Ropa Lab

Harnessing the Potential of Blood Stem Cells

The Ropa Lab

Harnessing the Potential of Hematopoietic Cells to Improve Therapies

The Ropa lab is a research lab at the Indiana School of Medicine located in Indianapolis, IN. We are focused on improving outcomes for patients with blood and immune disorders using basic and translational science approaches. Blood and immune disorders such as hematologic malignancies and immune deficiency syndromes affect millions of people worldwide and account for hundreds of thousands of deaths each year. These disorders arise from mutations, deficiencies, or dysregulation of the hematopoietic system, often in the hematopoietic stem (HSC) and progenitor cell (HPC) compartment. Correction of this dysregulation through cellular therapies or via targeted manipulation of molecular programs are potential avenues of treatment for hematologic diseases. Thus, it is critical to understand the regulation of HSC/HPC function, how dysregulation causes disease, and how these mechanisms can be targeted for clinical utility. However, a comprehensive understanding of factors that regulate healthy and diseased HSC/HPC function is still being developed. Our research program studies intrinsic and extrinsic factors that affect hematopoietic cell functional potency and how these processes can be targeted for improved treatment of hematologic disease. Our group has a specific interest in improving the potency of hematopoietic cells for use in hematopoietic cell therapies, including transplantation, gene editing, and immune effector cell therapies. Additionally, our group examines axes of regulation that are critical for both healthy and diseased cell growth and health. 

Latest News

Jess Newton joined the lab as a research technician!
Our protocols are approved, our equipment is in, it is time to start running experiments! We are starting the process of recruiting at all levels- if you think our research sounds awesome please contact Jim to indicate your interest in working with us!

Jim presented his work on omics approaches to identify potent hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells as a Best Abstract oral presentation at Cord Blood Connect Meeting in Miami, FL.
The Ropa Lab officially opens its doors!